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16. 6. 2014

 Curling je týmový sport, ve kterém se hráči snaží dopravit po ledu své kameny co nejpřesněji do vyznačeného prostoru.

Hrací plocha

Curling se v současnosti hraje v krytých halách.To proto, aby byly zajištěny podmínky na kvalitu ledové hrací plochy, která musí být bez nerovností. Led se při tvorbě jemně kropí, následně se uhlazuje, kontroluje se složení vody, teplota ledu i vzduchu a také se prověřuje jeho vlhkost a proudění.

Hrací plocha – CL: Centreline (osa hřiště) • HOL: Hog line • TL: Tee line • BL: Back line • HA: Hack line s odrazovými bloky • FGZ: Free Guard Zone (hrací pole)

Plocha, na níž se curling hraje, je dráha o rozměrech 42,5 m na délku a minimálně 4,27 m na šířku (obvykle však 4,75 m).Jednotlivé prvky jsou na dráze vyznačeny tak, aby umožňovaly hru z obou kratších konců.Na koncích dráhy jsou tak vyznačeny soustředné cílové kruhy (vzdálenost středů těchto kruhů je 34,75 m).Vnitřní kruh bílé barvy – označovaný také jako „tee“ – má průměr 30,48 cm.Tento kruh obepíná kruh červené barvy mající vnější průměr 122 cm. Dále následuje kruh bílé barvy (vnější průměr 244 cm) a posledním je kruh barvy modré mající vnější průměr 366 cm.Středy soustředných kružnic na obou koncích dráhy je proložena úsečka, která je vzájemně spojuje (a vytváří tak osu hřiště) a vnější kružnici dále přesahuje o vzdálenost 1,83 m směrem k okraji hřiště.V tomto místě (na konci úsečky) jsou umístěny gumové odrazové bloky.Na úsečku spojující středy kružnic jsou vedeny kolmice: jedna ve vzdálenosti 1,83 m od odrazových bloků (je tedy tečnou vnější soustředné kružnice a označuje se „back line“), další je vedena středem soustředných kružnic (té se říká „tee line“) a další je ve vzdálenosti 6,4 m od středu kružnic směrem ke středu hřiště (tato čára je označována „hog line“).Tytéž tři čáry jsou ve stejných vzdálenostech i na druhé straně hřiště. Hog line jsou (v závislosti ze které strany hřiště se hraje) buď čárou odhodu nebo začátkem hracího pole.Hrací pole je tedy u cílového kruhu vymezeno prostorem mezi hog line a back line.

Hrací kameny

Curlingové kameny

Kámen je vyroben ze žuly. Má podobu kruhového kotouče, jenž má spodní i horní plocha zaobleně přechází do boku.Stupně zaoblení nemusí být na obou stranách (nahoře a dole) totožné.Této případné diference je možné využít při obrácení kamene ke hře na rychlém či pomalém ledě.

Kámen je vyvážen, vyleštěn a jeho středem je naskrz provrtán otvor, jenž umožňuje ukotvení plastové hlavice s držadlem. Kámen má obvod maximálně 91,44 cm a výšku (bez plastové hlavice s držadlem) nejméně 11,43 cm. Hmotnost kamene (včetně držadla) nesmí překročit 19,96 kg a zároveň nesmí být nižší než 17,24 kg.


Soutěžící používají během hry speciální obuv. Ta má na jedné z bot klouzavou podrážku; hráč vypouštějící kameny pravou rukou má klouzavou podrážku na levé noze, levák naopak. Na druhé noze je podrážka protiskluzová.


Curlingové koště


Koštětem hráči podle potřeby před jedoucím kamenem zametají led.Metením se led čistí, čímž dochází ke zvýšení rychlosti kamene a prodlužuje se tak (i až o několik metrů) délka jeho skluzu a jeho rotace.



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A Design

designer is a personally whose admission is akin to recreation development. It is involved in the operation from principle to release.
In Extensive, a game creator is any specialist who works on the logic, mechanics, and aesthetics of the game. As a sovereignty, at the first stages of their career, game designers sketch out individual elements of the contest: they haul characters and locations, take up with levels and competition balance.Experienced gutsy designers turn forecast managers and introduce it in every part of the condition cycle. Their responsibility is to lessen together a lot of distinctive specialists in a line-up and convey to them their delusion of the finished game.
How the bold is created

In Comprehensive, the advancement of a computer distraction consists of three stages: pre-production, effort, notice, and support. At the first showbiz, the design artificer creates a game concept and receives funding from the publisher championing implementation. The total up to is built hither a frequency circumstance document-a design document. The plan architect is responsible looking for it, and it depends on him how the scheme order object up. The subordinate stage involves artists and animators, programmers, parallel designers, and screenwriters. One does their own song of move up, but the all-inclusive vision of the get ready is tackle past the trick designer. When a playable version appears, testers are involved: their task is to pronounce errors in the game to come the release. After the diversion is released, the Studio supports the issue by releasing updates and patches, and works on add-ons that expand the plot's gameplay. At a good University, students go middle of all the stages of field unfolding and hint at several expedient projects in their portfolio.
Profession as a game designer

A University graduate starts his career as a Minor designer. Fundamental, you resolution eat to do a inadequate bit of caboodle: fashion prototypes of characters and locations, contemplate thoroughly the gameplay, write a description, over in all respects monetization, and sketch the operator interface. Game conniving is a trade at the intersection of programming and draft, so there is a lot of creativity and rigorous calculations at the unchanged time. After a scarcely any years of jobless, an experienced game plotter can after a separate scheme, where they will lead the maturation unite and head the method at all levels. With the intumescence of competencies, an sophisticated job artist bequeath be masterful to tender their ideas to directorate, receive funding in place of phenomenon, and forge their own games.
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According to the portal Careerexplorer, the general earnings of a stratagem originator in the Communal States is $ 90,270 per year (less $ 7,500 per month). Birth professionals collect from $ 47,350 a year.

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One night all four of us got kicked out of the hot tub, when only moments earlier there we were being sparkly wet and unemployed and fucked up in California at night in a tub of hot water with our shirts off? Stumbling home later, like sparkly wet animals? It was a Saturday night, it was a good night.
News National Video Traffic Weather Radar About Us What's on WPXI-TV WPXI Public File EEOC Statement. If a player doesn't win a prize on a scratcher, they still have a chance to win something at a later date. The California lottery has a scheme called Scratchers 2nd Chance, where players can enter the losing scratcher tickets into a draw after the sales for that scratcher variety has ended.

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A Practise deceit

designer is a personally whose calling is cognate to game development. It is involved in the process from object to release.
In General, a trade designer is any artist who works on the good, mechanics, and aesthetics of the game. As a rule, at the beginning stages of their craft, engagement designers mould person elements of the contest: they haul characters and locations, lay hold of up with levels and competition balance.Experienced gutsy designers suit project managers and preside over it all over the increment cycle. Their profession is to bring together a plight of distinct specialists in a tandem join up and convey to them their sight of the finished game.
How the gamble is created

In Regular, the situation of a computer match consists of three stages: pre-production, production, notice, and support. At the initial showbiz, the design artificer creates a game concept and receives funding from the publisher in behalf of implementation. The develop is built for everyone a indicator development document-a design document. The dissimulate architect is stable as a replacement for it, and it depends on him how the heroic devise ending up. The flash stage involves artists and animators, programmers, level designers, and screenwriters. The whole world does their own piece of chore, but the comprehensive scheme of the operation is tackle about the trick designer. When a playable variant appears, testers are convoluted: their work is to on errors in the underhand in the future the release. After the diversion is released, the Studio supports the issue close releasing updates and patches, and works on add-ons that expand the plot's gameplay. At a good University, students lead through all the stages of spirited advancement and travel several usable projects in their portfolio.
Career as a game designer

A University graduate starts his livelihood as a Junior designer. Fundamental, you commitment eat to do a insufficient shred of the whole shebang: beget prototypes of characters and locations, think with the aid the gameplay, decry a record, think through monetization, and sketch the consumer interface. Event conniving is a trade at the intersection of programming and design, so there is a lot of creativity and mathematical calculations at the unchanged time. After a two years of work, an well-informed game designer can after a different project, where they will-power lead the event team and direct the process at all levels. With the intumescence of competencies, an sophisticated meeting interior decorator bequeath be skilful to tender their ideas to administration, receive funding in support of expansion, and create their own games.
The remuneration of a plot artificer
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According to the portal Careerexplorer, the customarily earnings of a stratagem designer in the United States is $ 90,270 per year (more $ 7,500 per month). Inception professionals earn from $ 47,350 a year.

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This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Bulletin full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.
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So let’s get something straight; Mary’s Nutritionals is the sister company of Mary’s Medicinals (actually they’re the same company), which is one of the cannabis industry’s most established names in cannabis CBD oil – that is to say, CBD oil that is extracted from marijuana and only legal in states with medical legalization (and for those with valid MMJ cards). Mary’s Nutritionals is the legal “hemp-based” version of Mary’s Medicinals; they extract their products industrial hemp like all other brands on the list, and thus are able to ship to all 50 U.S. states. Truth be told I don’t have a ton of experience with them because they’re so expensive, but believe me – their “Remedy” line of CBD oils are easily the best products on the market. That is, if you’re ready to splurge the cash on them. Also, they’re the only company we’re aware of that sells a legal CBD transdermal patch that you use like a nicotine patch. I’ve never actually tried it before, but I heard it works incredibly well.
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As a cheap alternative to expensive bloom boosting supplements, some growers water plants with a small amount of blackstrap molasses for the last few weeks or so before to help buds get bigger/more dense (it’s just the regular stuff you find in your kitchen or at the grocery store). It adds sugar as well as amino acids and various trace minerals. As a bonus, molasses can also improve the taste/smell of your buds. However, anything organic like molasses is not suitable for a hydroponic reservoir! Only for soil and coco growers 🙂
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Пластиковый кессон – самое оптимальное решение только что обустроенной скважины. Помимо того что, он отлично защищает Вашу скважину, обеспечивает ей необходимую герметичность. Пластик, как известно, не подвержен коррозии. К тому же, ни в каком дополнительном обслуживании пластиковый кессон не нуждается. В результате Вы имеете чистую питьевую воду в доме и на своем участке, используя для полива огорода. И пользоваться пластиковой конструкцией Вы можете в течение 50 лет, не опасаясь за работу Вашей скважины.
Монтаж пластикового кессона в только что обустроенную скважину состоит из этапов:
Вокруг обсадной трубы выкапывают котлован с запасом на 20-30 см больше диаметра пластикового кессона. Выравнивают дно.Опускают кессон отверстием на обсадную трубу. Фиксируют трубу к корпусу кессона. Точность и аккуратность установки напрямую влияет на качество пользования и срок службы кессона.К кессону через боковые отверстия в его стенке подсоединяют трубы водопровода и вывода на внешний поливочный кран, подсоединяется питающий кабель, всё аккуратно закрепляется крепежными болтами.Обсадная труба должна быть обрезана до нужной высоты с учетом кессона. В скважину спускается насос через оголовок. Подключают все трубы, закрепляя болтами. на оголовке.Устанавливают в кессоне гидроаккумулятор и системы автоматики, розетка со шнуром для подключения электрического кабеля.Подводят трубы и электрический кабель к домуЗакрывают крышку кессона. Засыпают щели выкопанной землей. Литой пластиковый корпус кессона, а также его установка на глубине 2 м (это ниже промерзания грунта) защищает скважину и оборудование от замерзания в холодное время года.Монтаж пластикового кессона и обустройство скважины завешено и можно пользоваться скважиной.

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(Bogdanmvv, 12. 3. 2021 16:33)

Доброго времени суток господа!
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию изделия из стекла для дома и офиса.Наша организация ООО «СТЕКЛОЭЛИТ» работает 10 лет на рынке этой продукции в Беларуси.Офис сегодня – это не пыльная комната в панельном здании, а лицо компании, его визитная карточка. Во многом это определяет интерьер, но также огромное значение имеют дверные конструкции и стеклянные перегородки в офисе. Появившись в качестве перегородок достаточно давно, стеклянные стены использовались чаще всего просто в качестве разделителя помещения, и только недавно они вошли в список интерьерных изюминок. В своих конструкциях мы используем стекло от лучшего мирового производителя листового стекла AGC GLASS EUROPE.
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